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Transportation Impact Studies

Our traffic impact studies support various forms of urban development. As one of the earliest practitioners of traffic impact assessments in Canada, we helped define it's scope and function. The skills and professionalism of our consultants and the value of analytical tools and databases we create to support our practice are reflected in an exemplary track record of resolving transportation issues to the satisfaction of both our client and reviewing agencies.

  • Preliminary site assessment and transportation capacity assessment
  • Site access location, design and implications for off-site improvements
  • Traffic and transit trip generation and distribution patterns
  • Access operations and signal warrants
  • Intersection capacity analysis
  • Representation at public meetings, and municipal approval process statutory meetings
  • Expert witness testimony at provincial and municipal appeal board hearings
  • Negotiation of clearly defined terms of reference satisfactory to both the reviewing agencies and the client
  • Cost effective provision of comprehensive documentation required by reviewing agencies
  • Expertise in the planning approval process in most jurisdictions
  • State-of-the-art site design process, analytical techniques and physical design solutions to deal with recurring issues of off-site impact, site access requirements and intersection optimization
  • Effective public presentations and expert testimony as required